
Sketches on the theme of agricultural works


Tino Aroldi  (Casalmaggiore, 1915 - 2000)

Tino Aroldi, as Goliardo Padova, was called to create preparatory sketches on big wall panels on the theme of work for the new School of Vocational Training in Casalmaggiore (today Scuola Media Diotti) in 1962. T

hrough those panels, still exposed in the same location, art could talk to everyone – first of all to students – from their own roots to the transformation of landscape and society. Aroldi's panels illustrate the work seasons in the countryside in relation to the mechanisation and industrialisation processes: the tomatoes and grape harvests, the canning industry, the tractor.

It is evident, as in the works for the Suzzara Prize, that the working human figure is an accessory element, which is introduced at times with hindrance: Aroldi is interested in the mark left by man in the nature, in the shape acquired by the anthropized landscape (for instance, in ploughed fields or row of vines).

The development of his painting will continue, through a process of detachment and internalisation that will lead him to overcome the sensitive representation of the landscape in favour of capturing its idea.

Donated by Carla Aroldi, 2007